Our deepest apologies for the drought of blog updates over the last few months. As you might imagine - we have simply gotten so busy living that we're having trouble taking the time to photograph and record all of our adventures. One notable exception, however, would be our newest passion; sailing!

For Christmas last year, Adam and I decided to give each other sailing lessons. One of the first local activities we took note of while jogging around the Wellington Wharf each morning was the availability of sailboats to rent as well as several yacht clubs that offer sailing lessons. Adam did some amazing research and we found an excellent deal on 10 weeks of sailing lessons. Thus, each Saturday since February we have traded our Saturday sleep-ins in favor of donning rubbery wetsuits and rain gear. It's hard to believe we've already had 7 weeks of lessons float by. We've been fairly fortunate in regards to the weather - especially considering our city of residence. In case you don't recall from past posts, Wellington is BLUSTERY to say the least. Now that may sound like a great thing for sailing - which is true - unless you're just learning to sail. If you're not careful while sailing around the Cook Strait you may quickly find yourself seeing more of the Tasman Sea than you ever intended. We beginning sailors are happiest in winds under 15 knots.
Our two weeks of 25+ knot weather that precluded heading out on the water were spent inside learning to tie important knots, learning the rules of the marine world, and most importantly, learning to rig the sailboats on our own. Adam and I have been drawn to the Feva sailboats, as they are easy to assemble and have so far not turned us topsy turvy...at least not without our permission.

Happy Sails to You!