Pie shops on every corner is a good way to describe quick cuisine in New Zealand. Of course if you are looking for an apple pie or a pumpkin pie you may be quite surprised to find that the pies around here are, in fact, meat pies that come in such flavours as mince, steak, and even sometimes delicious cranberry chicken brie. Callie and I looked to mix the delicious tradition down here with a more traditional American pie. Enter the single serve chicken pot pie.

The filling consisted of every delicious vegetable you could imagine in a Chicken Pot Pie. The strangely delicious New Zealand carrots, chicken, peas, and more made for the tasty (and healthier than most ) filling for the pies.

The "Texas" muffin tin made for the perfect size pies making device. Any local home store sells a george forman-like pie press but I dont think we are going to be eating that many pies anytime soon.Callie's pastry skills even give them their little cross hatched lids completed the top

The finished product came out delicious in more ways then one. The New Zealand personal pie achieved and a little bit of home all in an hours work. One version with Savory pastry, another with puff just for giggles. The savory definetely won me over but the pies seemed to disapper just as quickly.

Cheers for a tasty new tradition if I have anything to say about it. It will be hard making a chicken pot pie another way again!