Following in the thoughtful footsteps of my very favorite sister, here are a few pictures in honor of my parents' birthdays last month. While they have nothing to do with grandchildren (their real favorite picture sets) hopefully they prove that while Adam and I are both crazy busy at work, we still manage to find moments to get out and have some fun.
A couple of weeks ago ended Adam's Karaoke-free lifetime streak. As usual, he was a natural!
Girls sing better in pairs.
Mama mia! This crowd was so prepared that they even brought their own tambourines and harmonicas!
A week later we celebrated the 30th birthday of one of our cast drivers from the studio. She's a real 1940s era gal, so we all dressed up in our best Anzac Day appropriated attire in her honor. I would have been lost if it hadn't been for this amazing woman, Gabby. Not only did she do four ladies' hair, but she also dressed me from head to toe in era appropriate clothes. All that - AND she hosted the pre-party at her home!
Curly sue!
You didn't think the gents would get out dressing up, did you? What dapper men!
I'm certainly carrying a torch for this Big Cheese.
The joint was jumping with these dancing dames. All six of the scale double ladies made the effort to get all gussied up for Yvette's big night. Can you imagine how unusual it is for us to talk to others in a club eye to eye?
From start to finish, the evening really was the cat's meow.