Adam and I just can't get enough of cuddly things. It goes without saying that we miss our walking, barking space heater each and every moment that we're here - so last weekend we went out in search of similarly shaped snub nosed companions. While they certainly outweigh our little Zoe by more than a few kilos, we certainly noticed more than a few ways in which they could be related.
First, a map of our seaside walk. Our seal sightings were all right around Devil's Gate.

Our first seal sighting. He simply turned his nose up at the world.

Devil's Gate - likely named because as you go through a certain smell often overtakes you...and if you don't look sharp an off roading vehicle just may send you flying from the cliffs.
Playing billy goat.
Through the gate - we fou
nd some friendly playmates.

Life's sweeter with a buddy to cuddle.

Nicknamed "The Red Rocks," it's easy to see how this area got its name.
We wandered down the beach a ways and saw a few nice baches here and there. We stopped to make camp for a few minutes and eat our lunch and enjoy the sea. Walking along the beach finally got the best of us with the mix of sandy and rocky terrain. This encouraged us to find our way back to the car for a more comfy return to our home away from home.
I took your loveable pug "space heater" to the dog park this beautiful Sunday afternoon. She was a celebrity with all the other human beings in the park. However, during this visit Zoe found a boyfriend named "Max." I didn't get a photo, but I think Max is a Bassett Hound. They smooched each other (on both ends) ... then walked together and nosed their way around the park side-by-side. Zoe even drank out of Max's water dish! Usually Zoe hangs out with the other pugs and their owners ... but since no other pugs were at the park, dashing Max seemed to become an instant friend. ... Just thought I should let you know. Bye, Bye.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet sensation--seeing seals by the Seashore with your sweetie! Great pictures--thanks for sharing them!
ReplyDeleteOK ... Mountain goat (in photo above) ... it is time for another wonderful blog update. [Or, do I have to communicate with you through your film star agent at this point?]
ReplyDeleteKeep smiling! Bye, Bye for now.