King of the odd song, the Tui was out keeping taking care of business, never missing a chance to show off his fabulous neck feathers. (Callie thinks they look like misplaced cotton balls.)

This Tui found a tasty snack in the form of some grapes. While the signs posted instructed me not to eat the berries in the reserve, the Tui got to enjoy them undisturbed.

This little bird was participating in the much loved past time...basking in the sun.

These are a new addition to Zealandia. A pair of Takahe have recently taken up residence here.

These flightless birds number in the hundreds and while most of them are living on islands where they are safe from predators, these ones are sterile or over-represented in the gene pool. This has given them the opportunity to become ambassadors at Zealandia. (No, we're not quite sure why they have been laden with antennae. An alien abduction prevention system, perhaps?)

Nothing like these giant ferns to make you feel like you have gone back in time.

View of the reservoir and the hills beyond from a very nice picnic bench along the Valley View trail.

I call this one "March of the Ents....200 years too early". I am not sure what type of plant these are, but they certainly seemed to like this hill.
Here's to many more autumn weekends like this!
Absolutely love following your beautiful fall day. Miss you guys!